The following is hate mail that I've received from
people who think I'm an asshole. All hate mail is unedited and presented
in its entirety, unless noted otherwise. Go here
to read my first hate mail that later spawned a page about
Helen Hunt out of spite.
Hate mail:
i read the phrases that piss you off and it sounds alot like a george
Hey, thanks for the advice Ty. You see, after writing 300 or so pages of
original material, every now and then I like to steal a few bits from
someone famous like George Carlin just to see if I can sneak it in under the radar despite the
fact that it would be impossible to get away with since millions of people
have seen his performance.
What I didn't count on was that an astute reader such as
yourself would read my article and find a vague likeness to Carlin's
stand-up routine.
With skills like that, why are you writing barely intelligible letters to
strangers when you could be doing detective work instead? You could go
around to popular websites and find obvious similarities between satirical
writers and famous entertainers.
I can see it now: "Detective Dipshit: Private Dick for hire." Keep up
the great work, dumbass.
Your a fuckin idiot. If you hate how Americans are pissed about
It's time to deduce the obvious conclusion with Professor Maddox:
I don't understand how anyone can disagree with my
position on illegal immigrants. Do I have to
spoon feed the conclusion to you retards? It's
obvious that if you force companies like WalMart to pay illegal immigrants
the same wage as Americans, then they have no incentive to hire them over
citizens. Even you racist pieces of shit can agree.
Seven sixteenths of one inch:
That's the distance you'd have to move your pinky in order to not sound like
an idiot. I know the burden of pressing shift to capitalize is a great
one, but c'mon Turing, you can do better than that. I used to type emails
in caps like yours, but then I decided that I didn't want a job
mixing concrete.
You said you had a question for me, something about a 200 pound girl (implying
that I pork fat chicks, a cunning strategy by an equally cunning linguist),
but the damndest
thing: I searched your entire email for a question mark and didn't find any.
Could it be because you didn't really ask me any questions since none of
your sentences ended with a question mark, you dolt?
You used to enjoy "kicking the shit out of computer science fags" eh?
So are you saying that all programmers are gay, or that you enjoyed "kicking
the shit out of" the gay ones? I presume the former since you are after
all, an idiot. You do have a point though: writing code all day is
much more
homoerotic than patting your jock buddies on the ass after a sweaty game
of catch, then winding down with a nice, steamy, group shower. Maybe if
you weren't such
a sexually insecure dumbass, you'd have spent the time you pissed away playing
highschool sports--you know, that thing nobody in the real world cares
about--learning how to
read instead so that you don't end up bagging
my groceries after you graduate with your 1.2 GPA (rounded off nicely
with that C you got in wood shop).
You know what the best thing about knowing that the nerds you picked
on will always be more successful, have hotter girlfriends, a home that
doesn't have wheels, and a stock portfolio with numbers larger than
you can count is? Doesn't matter, get me a coffee.
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 03:21:52 EDT
From: "Ty Shane"
Subject: congrats asshole
carlin routine that i heard about a week ago. i'm a fan of you'r site
but get your on material next time.
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 02:00:01 -0800
From: Rian Alden <>
Illegal Mexicans or any others taking our jobs, then why don't you take
your loud mouthed, appeasing ass down to Mexico and fight the good fight
with those Wetbacks? Oh, I'm sorry, That was Racist, but I guess I am,
so all those Spics, Gooks, Nips, Russians, Sand-Niggers, and any other
fuckin foreigners come here and decide to take our job for less money
even though they don't belong here, they can kiss my ass and lick my
balls. And just for you, I will leave a spot right in the middle and
forget to wipe ya dumb fuck.
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 11:20:28 -0500
From: <>
Subject: response requested
I think that is the most ridiculous and in-sensitive thing that I have
Hmm, after reading your articles about classifying nerds. I guess you fit
Oh, and pretty sad that you go and diss little kids pictures. I guess
I decided to do something different with this hate mail, something that
would give all the people I've offended some insight into why I'm such a
dick sometimes, so I replied with this:
I was abused as a child and the way I cope is by expressing myself
The response I got was:
I'm sorry to hear about that maddox. I agree that writing helps express
To which I replied:
Just kidding. Tool.
Receiving thousands of emails from slow-witted boorish morons can be amusing
Pothead pukeboy run out of material or are you just having an episode of
Oh poor guy, booo hooo hooo! He has nothing left in his miserable
existence. Except for the millions of dollars he'll command in sales
and donations
from the two book deals he got since his accident, the publicity from
going on hundreds of tours and public talks, and a jump start to his
dead career with possibly more opportunities rolling in after his
accident than before (let's face it, when is the last time you saw a
Reeve film that didn't involve him wearing spandex?). On top of
that, he gets blind praise
from millions for an accident that occurred to him while he was riding
his trained thoroughbred horse, after having lived
the better part of his life as a handsome millionaire, who has been
sought after by millions of women and probably a good chunk of men. Not
to mention the best medical treatment in the world in addition to the
financial resources to continue the best physical therapy after
the accident, a luxury not available to most other paralysis victims.
The fact that you think he has nothing to look forward to just because
he's a cripple is not only insulting to him, but all people with paralysis,
which is infinitely worse than the assertion
I've made. Nice job, you insensitive cock.
You're right though, other than a Grammy award for his audio recording of
his best selling book, 5 emmy nominations for his
directorial debut, Golden Globe Award nomination,
and Screen Actors Guild Award for "Best Actor," he hasn't had anything
to look forward to since his accident, right dipshit? I'm sure all
of the awards were given to him for his talent too, despite the
fact that he had the same talent before the accident and starred in
19 movies since the last Superman movie in 1987 without winning so much
as a Golden Raspberry award (unless you count the "Young Artist Award"
he received in 1996; with recognition like that, people must have been
beating his door down to get him to star in their movies).
Hey "Sea Otter Steve," I have some advice for you: try being less of
a cry-baby pussy from now on; it makes you sound like a bitch. Also,
lose the "Sea Otter" part of your name, it sounds stupid. So does
your last name now that I think about it. Here's an idea: try throwing
in a few vowels in there, Mr. "I'm Sea Otter Steve, too good for vowels."
Also, since you like to piss and
moan so much, I have a shampoo recommendation for you:
Give it a shot, it might help you stop being such an enormous cry-baby
suck-ass pussy. The scary thing is, I know that in the back of your
mind a small part of you hoped that this email would make me "see the
light" and cause me to take my page down. Way to fuel the fire.
Hey Loser,
I know you probably get a lot of hate mail which made me hesitate to
P.S. You should do a section on how stupid people can make websites
I like to consider myself a reasonable man. For example, when someone
sends me hate mail from their work account, I reply and explain to them
why it's a bad idea for them to continue to harass me.
Case in point: I received this email from some guy (who I will refer to as
Chump Change going forward) yesterday. I warned Chump Change
that it was a terrible idea to send me hate mail from his work account,
because I'm sure his employer wouldn't want to convey the image that his
company employs dipshits. Chump Change disregarded my warnings
and continued to email me, so I've posted his address (update: address has
since been removed). I sure hope his
employer doesn't find out, because it would be a damn shame if Chump Change
got fired for screwing around on the job.
Now as for his email: Chump Change claims that I enjoy "ripping on people"
who I "envy"? I replied to this email and found out that he makes $6,000
less than I did at the age of 21, and I don't even have a degree. What
exactly am I envying here? Your Bachelor of Arts degree in Business?
Wow, impressive; way to challenge yourself Chump Change. I did a bit
of research and found out some of the classes that are required for
graduation in "Business" at Colorado University:
I'm sure it was quite an accomplishment to pass "Business Computing Skills,"
no really, it must have been very demanding having to learn how to use
Microsoft Office, right up there with other lofty challenges like learning how
to zip your fly without getting your dick caught.
Tell you what, I'll teach you this course free of charge.
In fact, I can teach you the entire course by using only
two keystrokes; be sure to take notes! Ready? Here it is:
F1 (press it to bring up the help menu).
Damn Chump Change, you should have asked me first, I could have saved you
thousands of dollars teaching you how to use programs that require little
more than bashing your head on the keyboard to operate, dumbass.
Then you have "Business Statistics," or as I call it, a "math for morons"
The lowest common denominator of math class is a "business" math class, where
you learn a shit-load of nothing. I'm sure you'll have no trouble
landing an exciting job in Real Estate Appraisal with those credentials. Your
dad, who I'm sure probably paid for your lazy unmotivated dumbass to get through
college, must be proud. Stand tall Chump Change, you've managed to do what
only a few hundred million other people are able to do every year:
I don't get it; how can you jackasses call me a "coward" by posting on
my website? Did you not notice the picture of me on the main page? What
exactly am I hiding from? I get recognized in public all the time, don't
you think that if I was afraid that I wouldn't post my badass pirate picture
on the internet for millions to see? Then you claim I have no life? News
flash: I only update about once a week. I work a full time job and go to
school (I'm near completion of a major that requires more than a pulse to
graduate from), and I update this site IN MY SPARE TIME. When is the last
time a few million people gave a shit about anything you wrote in your spare
time, other than having your email posted on my site (which I'm sure will be
the highlight of your boring life)?
In a desperate attempt to sound smart, Chump Change wrote this in another
Oh really? First of all, you make the assumption that anyone other than
you shares your opinion of what "wit" and "talent" are. Ignoring the
fact that this assumption was pulled out of your ass, you think that I'm
a "puppet" of "views"? How exactly can one be a "puppet of views," dipshit?
It doesn't even make sense you dolt.
In closing, Chump Change has made a special request. He would like to
know the answer to the following question:
Update: Chump Change
broke down a record 20 minutes after this email
was posted (after he received a flood of hate mail), and asked that his email
address be removed. I'm a reasonable man, so his name and email address
have been removed, with this final note:
To who it may concern:
Okay I read your article about the 26 things the perfect guy
What makes you so sure I've played with a girl's hair before, "SummerGrl19?"
Very clever handle by the way, the only way you could make it any more
unoriginal or cliche would be to add the words "happy, cute" or "princess"
to the name. Why are women so hung up about their hair? It's not
interesting enough to talk about, let alone to play with. Really, nobody gives
a shit about your hair. We don't care about the kind of dye you use,
the momentous decision of wearing it "up" or "down," and frankly, there
isn't anyone in the world important enough to be able to talk about the
type of conditioner they use without inducing a mighty yawn from me.
What makes you think I'd play with a girl's hair or hold her hand to get
invited to her bedroom? Even if I was a whore, like every guy you've
dated apparently, it wouldn't be worth it. If not having to play
flirty grab-ass games with a girl means not getting laid, I consider
it a bargain.
As for your boyfriend, what kind of dumbass takes chain mail seriously?
What if someone sent your genius boyfriend a list titled "26 ways to
clothes-line your girlfriend"? What kind of gullible idiot takes
that shit seriously? People like him are the reason cults exist.
for your new-found love, I can only imagine the deep bond two people share
as a result of junk mail.
One last thing: you claim that I'll always be alone because I promote
domestic violence? I guess you forgot that the list suggests that
guys should "act cutely" when women hit them and it hurts; that's domestic
abuse by definition, not that it matters because you're too much of a putz
to understand anything anyway. Enjoy making other life-altering decisions
in your otherwise empty life based off of stupid email you receive.
More to come...
Here's the disclaimer if you want to send me hate mail (Note: I decide
what's hate mail and what's not):
By sending me hate mail, you acknowledge that I own all rights to the entire
contents of your message, any images sent with the message, your email address,
your house, your car, your first born and your soul.
Furthermore, you agree to make your email address publicly available on
this or any other web site, and you accept my views and opinions as being
right regardless of anything. Furthermore, you agree that it is okay for me
or anyone else to slander and/or libel you on this or any other web site, in
public, at
your place of employment, or anywhere else in this or any other universe and/or
dimension. Know that sending me hate mail is a request for character
defamation, endless belittling and excessive mockery. You may not sue me for
any reason, ever, and this disclaimer is subject to change without notice, and
you are still subject to the rules regardless of any changes made.
If you do not agree with these rules, then don't send me hate mail.
Oh, and by the way:
go away.
6922 cowards have sent me hate mail.
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2003 21:50:03 EST
Subject: about Elizabeth
ever read. You have no idea exactly what that girl went through, nor do
you know what you would do in an extreme situation like that. You should
be ashamed of yourself for writing such idiotic things. That girl did not
ask to be kidnapped just as no other child or adult asks to be kidnapped
or murdered or raped. So why don't you shut up and respect what these
people have gone through?
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 17:12:28 -0700
From: Janine L. <######>
Subject: Lonely Bitter Man
into one of those categories. Hmm, shall I say the lonely, bitter one
that sits at home all day and sulks about how much his life sucks?
your parents didn't beat you enough when you were a kid cause you sure
didn't turn out fine.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2003 01:58:05 -0600 (MDT)
From: maddox <>
To: Janine L. <######>
Subject: Re: Lonely Bitter Man
through my writing. Please be more understanding :(
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 16:50:33 -0700
From: Janine L. <######>
Subject: Re: Lonely Bitter Man
anger, but I don't think you should go and take it out on other people, more
over encourage other people to abuse their kids. Your writing is funny and
all, but I didn't expect that the issues you write about is personal. Sorry
to hear about it. Anyways, this is just personal opinion. Take care.
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 22:36:32 -0600 (MDT)
From: maddox <>
To: Janine L. <######>
Subject: Re: Lonely Bitter Man
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 16:57:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steven Grzesik <>
Subject: You're funny...but you're an asshole
substance induced stupidity? See...writing is easy, you asshole.
It was all cool till you picked on a paraplegic that has nothing left in
his miserable existence but desperate clinging to a fantasy that he can
help others. All this while he simultaneously fantasizes that his wife is
still faithful...yeah right.
Maybe he actually can help.
You are not funny here.
The real you shows.
Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 10:12:47 -0600
From: TH <######> (removed)
Subject: new section
write you. But I have to for my own satisfaction. You are incredibly
ignorant and petty. It is obvious that you have absolutely no life
whatsoever and take incredible joy in ripping on people that you envy,
such as me. You see, I have a good, well-paying job and I am only 21. I
graduated from CU last spring at the age of 20 with a BA in business and
currently work for a successful entrepreneur in Boulder, CO while
interning for a member of the Colorado State Board of Education in
Denver. I have accomplished more in my young life than you ever will. I
dare you to post this email. I dare you to even attempt to insult or
degrade me. What could you possibly say in response to what I have
said? I have met people like you in person. People who bitch and moan
about everything just because our world allows them the right and ability
to do so in a controlled environment such as the internet. I wonder what
you would say to someone like me if we met on the streets. You are a
insulting the world from their home while regularly taking breaks to
masturbate to internet porn. Or about dumb fucking webmasters you think
they’re super internet pimps because they can hide behind their
computer and never actually take responsibility for their actions.
"I think you are a puppet of our pop-culture views of wit and talent."
"Why would I get hate mail if you posted MY hate mail on YOUR site?! Dumbass"
"Maddox, I am sincerely apologetic...
Please please take it down. If you any shred of decency please. This is
all wrong. Please take it off."
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2003 02:06:25 EDT
From: SummerGrlJess19
Subject: ur just jealous!!!
should do. And you r so mad and angry! Im sure youve played with a girls
hair before. Or held their hand. All in a depserate attempt to get
invited into their bedrooms but youre once again let down and sent home
by yourself. So why get mad when it works for other people? Youll never
find a girl because you pubicly talk about promoting domestic violence
and abuse. My boyfriend read the 26 things, and now he does them and I
love him now. We will be together forever thanks to that email. And Im
sorry that youll never be blessed with the gift of love. Youre a
homofobic mysogynist....good luck finding someone.
More bullshit hatemail...