Holy shit, a Maddox comic book?!
If you're thinking to yourself "man, I sure hope Maddox isn't working on
a comic book," today might be the worst day of your life.
That's right assholes, I'm working with an illustrator on my very own comic
book. As if this announcement isn't enough to make you question your faith,
I'm going to include one or more of the following in my comic book:
And that's just in the first frame. I'm not one for embellishing, but I
think I can say with all objectivity that this will be the best comic book
in the universe (even ones not published yet, unless I publish a second
issue). Here's how awesome this comic book will be: my mom hates my web site;
the first time she read it, she literally cried, and even she plans on
buying three issues.
Hell, this comic is so awesome, you may want to buy two just so you can wear
one around your neck.
More details soon...
942,347 patients awaiting heart transplants would rather have my comic if given the choice.
© 2004 by Maddox