I am better than your kids.
If you work in an office with lots of people, chances are that you
work with a person who hangs pictures up that their kids have drawn.
The pictures are always of some stupid flower or
a tree with wheels. These pictures suck; I could draw pictures much
better. In fact, I can spell, do math and run
faster than your kids. So being
that my skills are obviously superior to those of children, I've taken
the liberty to judge art work done by
other kids on the internet. I'll be assigning a grade A through F for
each piece:
I win. When I go into work next, I'm going to surprise
all my co-workers and put up pictures of myself instead of their ugly
kids and their inane drawings.
More crappy children's art work:
First of all, I don't even know what this is.
If it's supposed to be a dog, then it's the shittiest dog
I've ever seen. F
You spelled America wrong asshole. Also, I could have
sworn America's colors were red, white and blue. There's no yellow
anywhere, traitor.F
Holy shit, I almost had a seizure when I saw this one.
Three words: too many colors. Also, eggs aren't supposed to have
ears, dipshit.F
Terrible. F
This one wouldn't be too bad if the color were kept inside
the lines, you picked a new perspective, used non-abrasive colors
and asked someone with talent to paint it for you. On one hand
I want to give an A for effort but... F
2,240,183 stupid kids tried stepping to my iNsAne skills and got 0wned.
© 2002 by Maddox