Are you a person of good taste? Do you enjoy fine literature and brilliant prose? Did you purchase my
? Then chances are good that your picture ended up here, on my hallowed wall of winners.
Just some handsome genius signing copies in New York on release day. |
Super-fan Jen with some genius prose. |
Me with Adam Carolla doing some book promo. |
Live at Podcast One. Listen to the Adam Carolla episode here. |
Babe Sarah with a brilliant book. |
Brilliant review of Fuck Whales by Book Rear Views on Instagram. |
Window display at Book Soup in Los Angeles! |
Some joker thought this would be a good idea. |
Sounds about right. |
Smart. |
Babe Laurie Foster with her own copy. Check out her comics! |
Ya boy Chris Ray Gun reppin' the book! |
Smart taste in shirts and literature. |
Finally, something to improve Robert Frost's stature in the world of literature.. |
Another Book Soup window display. |
Curtis at a book signing. |
Just another smart babe. |
Real funny, joker! |
The perfect gift for everyone you've ever met! |
Wisdom being absorbed via words that are read. |
On Michael Malice's show in New York! |
Another one by the jokers. |
Good beach reading for babes. |
Recording the audio book. |
Mr. Zach Waldman! |
Seems about right. |
Accurate. |
Love that the publisher is promoting my book alongside books written by accredited social psychologists and a book about Leonardo Da Vinci. Just a bunch of genius for you.. |
Valdes holding one of the very few and rare galley copies! |
And this guy holding my book upside-down for some reason. |
Zach following suit. |
I've already sent out some signed copies. Lots more to come.
7,033 people aspire to be on the wall of winners.